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Alaska's economy depends on a company that can diversify and provide exceptional services. Since 1970 Denali Drilling, Inc. has built a reputation for giving its Alaska clients this kind of performance.


Denali Drilling, Inc. started out in Anchorage providing crews and equipment to assist civil engineers with foundation design problems. Since those early days, we have completed over 9,500 projects around the state.


Denali Drilling, Inc. has kept pace with Alaska 's development by diversifying and by providing the professional crews and superior equipment it takes to get the job done right.


From Prudhoe to Ketchikan to Adak stands evidence of our work. As buildings rose throughout the state, their owners called on us for soils exploration and foundation-construction services.

And other large and small projects around Alaska depend on our professional performance.


Whether the project is located in a major Alaskan city, rural Native village or remote mountain top, we have been able to provide our experienced crews and specialized equipment to get the project completed.


Our services include geotechnical drilling, mineral exploration, large diameter borings, environmental drilling/sampling, monitor well installation, water well drilling and developing, and piling/tieback installation.



Year Established




Projects Completed



Fax: 907.562.5971


Denali Drilling, Inc. 

8240 Petersburg Street 

Anchorage, Alaska    99507

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